Evaluate. Safeguard. Process. Turnover.
Tstop has your back before, during, and after your shoot to ensure image fidelity and creative intent.
Camera Tests
Tstop supports our clients in evaluating cameras, lenses, workflows, color science, and dailies pipelines. Before, during, and after your shoot, avail yourself of our extensive equipment inventory, reference viewing environment, and experienced staff to be ensure your successful production.
LTO Footage Archive
Tstop can archive your camera original footage and other production elements to LTO tape, as required by many producers and studios, such as Netflix.
Color Graded Dailies
Tstop offers digital dailies services which will including applying LUTs, looks, and on-set color decisions. We can also color grade your dailies according to your creative intent. Finished dailies can be delivered on hard drive, LTO tape, or secure Internet share.
Reference Screenings
View your footage in our color calibrated 4K HDR reference viewing suite. Whether for viewing camera tests, watching dalies, or screening your latest edit, Tstop provides a trusted environement so you have confidence in the image you are evaluating.